Dr. Nemo 杉本 Martin (they/them) is an award-winning London-based writer of stage and audio.
As a scriptwriter, their recent projects include Blade: New Blood (Marvel; Six to Start), Through Hellfire, Together (Marvel; Six to Start), Trice Forgotten (Rusty Quill), [The Cobbled Streets of Geneva] (Ellandar), and ASIAN PIRATE MUSICAL. They are also the co-host of Bread & Barricades: A Les Mis Podcast.
As an academic, their fields of interest include race in nineteenth century French fiction, the history of natural history, audience reception and fandom/fanworks and queer readings with a focus on asexual and non-binary identities.
They are the author of The Construction of Race in Les Misérables Fanworks (Bloomsbury Academic edited by Rukmini Pande and Paul Booth). Their PhD looked at the representation of race and gender in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, its adaptations and in fanworks.
Sample scripts can be provided at request.
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